In our lush, beautiful, traditional and remote Surmang,
I grew up. I had a carefree childhood. But as a young woman, I heard stories of mothers and babies dying.
Cousins, aunts, dying and children becoming orphans. As a woman especially I knew how dangerous my life was.
We Tibetans are a warrior race --we are tough and also soft, with our traditional Buddhist beliefs.
I too learned to accept my womanly fate, the nearness of death in the process of creating life.

Surmang Foundation has nearly ended maternal mortality. But we need to continue, to go further.
I vow to end infant and maternal mortality where I live and work, in Tibet.

Won't you join me?


Surmang Annual Appeal

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Surmang Foundation


  • Karma Sengay Rinpoche - Photo
    Karma Sengay Rinpoche. Signed. $250 + D&H. Approx 8x10
    Minimum Donation Amount:$250.00
  • Trungpa Rinpoche XII - Photo
    Trungpa Rinpoche XII. Signed. $250 + D&H. Approx 8 x 10
    Minimum Donation Amount:$250.00
  • An Illustrated Lineage of the Jamgon Kongtuls Rinpoches" - Book the minimum donation is $1000 + $50 D&H
  • No, thank you. I do not wish to select a gift item.

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